Gaming Cult Trax Vol.1

Gaming Cult Trax Vol.1‘ is the inaugural release from the newly minted Cult Trax imprint, which is run by the crew behind the Gaming Cult podcast and blog. The label has pulled out all the stops on their debut compilation, which features a hefty thirty-seven tracks of ballroom, ghetto house, footwork and a selection of other leftfield club mutations.

Boasting contributions from the likes of DJ Deeon, DJ Clent, DJ Manny, Divoli S’vere, DJ Earl and MikeQ – as well as a killer cut from Liminal Sounds family Air Max ’97 – the album is packed with fresh and inventive club-ready productions, bolstered by the gleefully oddball energy taken from the computer game sonics that pop up across the thirty-seven tracks.

The ‘Gaming Cult Trax Vol.1’ compilation is available now as a ‘name your price’ release on Bandcamp. All proceeds will go towards keeping the series up and running.